Even though father agreed to pay for daughter’s college education in the marital settlement agreement, daughter could repudiate their relationship and relieve father of his duty to pay.
Morales v. Rust, No. 23S-PL-371, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., March 6, 2024).
The Affiliation Statute, the statute that contains objective criteria for determining eligibility to appear on the primary ballot of a major political party and discretion for a party to allow the candidacy regardless of compliance, is constitutional.
C.M. v. Y.N., No. 23A-AD-1590 __ N.E.3d __ (Ind. Ct. App., March 6, 2024).
To comply with Ind. Code § 31-19-5-12(a) and to be entitled to notice of an adoption, a putative father must register with the Putative Father Registry not later than thirty days after the child is born or not later than the date of the filing of the adoption petition, whichever date occurs later.
Goalsetter Systems, Inc. v. Estate of Gerwels, No. 23A-CT-1896, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind. Ct. App., Feb. 28, 2024).
Materials withheld in a FOIA request are not privileged and non-discoverable because of a federal interest.
Peters v. Girl Scouts of Southwest Ind., Inc., No. 23A-CT-1342, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind. Ct. App., Feb. 28, 2024).
Mother could add child’s guardian as a defendant under the Child Wrongful Death Statute, but both father and guardian were required to assert a claim within 2-years to be entitled to an apportionment of damages.