Sewer districts have authority to condemn land via eminent domain.
Newkirk v. Bethlehem Woods Nursing & Rehab. Ctr., LLC, No. 90S05-0812-CV-768, ___ N.E.2d ___ (Ind., Dec. 24, 2008)
The statute of limitations for the Indiana Wrongful Death Act (“WDA”) can expire before the statute of limitations for an underlying substantive tort claim, and vice versa. See also Technisand, Inc. v. Estate of Melton ex rel. Melton, — N.E.2d —, No. 30S01-0801-CV-28, slip op. (Ind. Dec. 24, 2008).
State v. Washington, No. 02S03-0804-CR-191, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind., Dec. 31, 2008)
Under the state and federal Constitutions, an officer, without reasonable suspicion, can inquire as to possible further criminal activity, in this case drug possession, when a motorist is stopped for a traffic infraction.