Under Ind. Code § 34-13-1-6, post-judgment interest runs from the judgment on remand.
G. Slaughter
In re Eq.W., No. 18S-JC-603, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., June 27, 2019).
The claim preclusion branch of res judicata applies to CHINS proceedings; if the State wishes to refile after a CHINS petition is dismissed, it must show that the new CHINS petition contains allegations of material fact that could not have been included in the dismissed action.
Morrison v. Vasquez, No. 19S-CT-382, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., June 27, 2019).
A domestic organization’s actual principal office and not the location of its registered agent is the appropriate preferred venue.
Horner v. Curry, No. 18S-PL-333, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., June 27, 2019).
It is constitutional that the legislature has directed that funds collected under the Indiana’s Civil Forfeiture Statute reimburse law enforcement costs before the transfer of proceeds from seized property to the Common School Fund.
In re Unsupervised Estate of Orlando C. Lewis, Jr., No. 18S-EU-507, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., June 3, 2019).
Trial court properly exercised its discretion to reconsider its initial appointment of the special administrator of an estate. Though not required by statute or trial rule, courts should nevertheless give notice and hold a hearing before appointing a special administrator or rescinding such an appointment.