The Access to Public Records Act permits the award of attorney’s fees against an intervening private party.
S. David
Vaughn v. State, No. 45S05-1112-CR-684, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind., July 26, 2012).
Trial judge properly refused mistrial motion by defendant who, on being forcibly removed after refusing to cease complaining about defense counsel to the jury, briefly was silenced by the bailiff’s covering his mouth.
Hirsch v. Oliver, No. 29S02-1109-DR-530, ___N.E.2d ___ (Ind., June 29, 2012).
Under Ind. Code § 31-16-6-6(a)(3), if a trial court determines there is no longer an obligation of the parent to support the child, emancipation has necessarily occurred.
Berry v. State, No. 49S04-1110-CR-611, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind., June 20, 2012).
Affirms trial court’s rejection of the defendant’s “settled insanity” defense, since there was some evidence that the defendant’s behavior was the result of his voluntary abuse of alcohol.
Nicholson v. State, No. 55S01-1107-CR-444, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind., Mar. 21, 2012).
Stalking conviction affirmed when alleged harassment included a twenty-two month hiatus, due largely to defendant’s incarceration.