Affirms trial court’s denial of motion to suppress based on conclusion that defendant’s driving gave officer reasonable suspicion to conduct a traffic stop, when testimony of officer convinced trial judge there was reasonable suspicion of “unsafe lane movement” even though squad car video did not clearly demonstrate defendant went off the road though his car did contact the fog line.
M. Massa
State v. Keck, No. 67S01-1403-CR-179, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., Mar. 25, 2014).
Affirms trial court’s grant of motion to suppress which was based on evidence that defendant was permissibly driving “left of center” due to the poor condition of the roadway.
Delagrange v. State, No. 49S04-1304-CR-249, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., Mar. 18, 2014).
Evidence supported inference defendant had intent required for attempted child exploitation offense.
Justice v. American Family Ins. Co., No. 49S02-1303-PL-221, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., March 13, 2014).
In an insurance policy, the phrase “limits of liability of this coverage” refers to the policy limit and not to the insured’s total damages.
In re T.L., No. 02S03-1308-AD-528, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind., March 11, 2014).
In an adoption, consent is not required from the father, who by clear and convincing evidence was able to support his children but did not.