As an issue of first impression, this case holds that the hearsay rule does not prohibit admission of mail exhibits to demonstrate the defendant’s name and address were on mail found in a specific location.
M. Massa
Guilmette v. State, No. 71S04-1310-CR-705, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., Aug. 13, 2014).
Police do not need a separate warrant to test lawfully seized evidence which is unrelated to the crime for which the defendant is in custody.
South Shore Baseball, LLC v. DeJesus, No. 45S03-1308-CT-531, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., June 27, 2014).
Stadiums and franchises have no special limited duty beyond the principles of premises liability.
Alldredge v. The Good Samaritan Home, Inc., No. 82S01-1305-CT-363, __ N.E.3d __ (Ind., June 2, 2014).
“[I]f a plaintiff makes the necessary factual showing, the Fraudulent Concealment Statute may apply to toll the Wrongful Death Act’s two-year filing period.”
Rice v. State, No. 45S00-1206-CR-343, __ N.E.d ___ (Ind., Apr. 16, 2014)
Life without parole sentencing order did not improperly rely upon non-statutory aggravating factors; instead, it explained why the mitigating factors did not outweigh the single statutory aggravating factor alleged and proved.