Court cannot modify a mortgage agreement without the consent of both parties participating in a settlement conference.
In Re: Name change of Jane Doe, No. 49A02-1211-MI-894, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind. Ct. App., June 13, 2013).
Administrative Rule 9 was the “best option” for a domestic violence victim who had filed a name change petition to avoid her abuser but wanted to avoid disclosure of her identity in the proceeding.
In re Adoption of J.T.A., No. 37A03-1212-AD-525, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind. Ct. App., June 10, 2013).
When the child’s father and the father’s fiancée were not married at the time of the adoption hearing, if the child’s adoption was granted to the father’s fiancé, then it would sever the mother’s parental rights but not the father’s.
City of Indianapolis v. Buschman, No. 49S02-1201-CT-598, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind., June 4, 2013).
When a claimant includes information in a tort claim notice beyond that required by the Indiana Tort Claims Act, that information does not restrict the scope of the claim.
Finfrock v. Finfrock, No. 64A05-1209-DR-489, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind. Ct. App., May 29, 2013).
Child support arrearage is not a debt as defined in the Federal Debt Collection Practices Act.