Trial court erred in imposing a clear-and-convincing-evidence standard with respect to Mother’s motion to modify and terminate Father’s parenting time.
Hematology-Oncology of Indiana v. Fruits, No. 49A05-0910-CV-556, ___ N.E.2d ___ (Ind. Ct. App., Aug. 18, 2010)
Attorney fees, costs, and expenses are recoverable damages under the Wrongful Death Act and the Adult Wrongful Death Act. NOTE: This opinion conflicts with McCabe v. Commissioner, Ind. Dep’t of Ins., reported in the July 23, 2010 issue of Case Clips.
Bauer v. Shepard, No. 09-2963, ___ F.3d ___ (7th Cir., Aug. 20, 2010)
The challenge to the 2008 version of the Code of Judicial Conduct is unripe, not moot.
Droscha v. Shepherd, No. 52A02-1001-PL-26, __ N.E.2d __ (Ind. Ct. App., Aug. 3, 2010)
Indiana extends judicial and/or quasi-judicial immunity to arbitrators and their sponsors.
Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles v. McNeil, No. 02A03-1001-MI-90, ___ N.E.2d ___ (Ind. Ct. App., Aug. 5, 2010)
Trial court erred when it interpreted Ind. Code § 34-11-2-4(3) to impose a statute of limitations on the BMV’s ability to impose an administrative suspension.